Grant and Subsidy management

Grants, funds, subsidies for everyone

You Won’t Be Disappointed! Our experts have over 15 years of experience in their respective fields, whether in rural and economic development or church-related grants. However, neither experience nor our track record of over 1,000 successful applications is enough for us to sit back and enjoy comfortable success. Every grant cycle—and every individual application—is a new challenge that we prepare for as diligently as we did for the very first ones. For us, this is the key to sustainable success.

Briefly About the Benefits

  • Strong Government Connections

    Over the years, we have established direct relationships with government bodies responsible for publishing and managing grant calls.

  • Insider Knowledge

    Some of our team members have previously worked on the government and grant-issuing side.

  • Success-Based Pricing Model

    No financial risk for you. In most cases, we charge a ~5% success fee.

  • Post-Award Support

    We don’t leave you alone with the years-long monitoring and audit tasks after winning a grant.

  • 15+ Years of Experience with Well-Established Processes

    In certain cases, we proactively engage with government contacts after submitting an application to prevent requests for additional documentation.

  • State-of-the-Art IT Solutions

    Our automated IT systems allow us to submit applications within seconds, without any human intervention.

Want to Know More?

Grant types

Grant Programs

Beyond supporting businesses, our group has experience in nearly all grant programs available to individuals and religious organizations. However, we specialize in four key areas:

  • Energy Programs
    • Support for electromobility (electric cars, scooters, bicycles) robogók, kerékpárok támogatása)
    • Solar panel system installations
    • Insulation and other home renovation grants
  • Economic Development Programs
    • Funding for startups
    • Workforce retention and expansion
    • Infrastructure development and equipment procurement
    • Site acquisition and development
    • Research & development grants
  • Church Support Programs
    • Renovation of churches and community buildings (interior and exterior)
    • Support for church-run institutions (nursing homes, schools, kindergartens)
    • Cemetery renovation
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
    • Young farmer program
    • Equipment procurement
    • Greenhouse and orchard development
    • Modernization of livestock farms

How Much Does It Cost?

Due to the nature of our service, we cannot offer fixed pricing, as administrative requirements vary significantly by grant.

However, in the vast majority of cases, we do not charge any upfront fees. You only pay a success fee if the grant is awarded, which never exceeds 5% of the approved funding amount.